Peace Essay in English. A war cannot achieve what peace can. The forces of peace can rule over ignorance and superstition, over illiteracy and immorality, over disease and physical suffering over poverty and governmental oppression. The conquests of Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Sep 19, · a country, Peace is a term that most commonly refers to an absence of aggression, violence or hostility. Peace isn’t the absence of violence but rather the StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes Feb 16, · Essay on War and Peace. No doubt war is an evil, the greatest catastrophe that befalls human beings. It brings death and destruction, disease and starvation, poverty, and Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Essay On War And Peace | English Summary
A war cannot achieve what peace can. The forces of peace can rule over ignorance and superstition, over illiteracy and immorality, over disease and physical suffering over poverty and governmental oppression.
The conquests of peace are nonviolent and bloodless. They cause no grief to humanity and do not donate life or property. War causes streams of blood and untold havoc. Only the victories of peace leave no maimed limbs or mutilated bodies, an essay on peace, no ruined cities or searched fields. Even a superficial glance at the course of the two world wars will tell us that their victories were gained at an incalculable cost. The triumph of the First World War an essay on peace to be of a short duration.
The victory itself sowed, in fact, the seeds of the Second World War, an essay on peace. Who knows that the victory of World War-II may also prove to be of equally short duration and a third global war may even now be in the offings.
The victories of peace, however, are everlasting. They do not rankle in the mind of any nation and their fruits are enjoyed by all people. The example is the occupation of Germany and Japan by the forces of the Allied countries.
If the Axis Powers had won the war, they would have exploited the Allies in the same, if not in a worse way. Thus victory of war is gained at a heavy cost of life, and also implies the annexation and enslavement of many territories and the exploitation of many more.
The victories of peace, on the contrary, involve no butchery of human beings and are, besides, of an essay on peace to the entire world. Only peace can bring about social reforms. During the war, men are too busy in militaristic activities to think of social improvement.
It is only during peace that a literacy campaign can be stated that the standard of living of the masses can be raised, that better houses can be built for the poor, that more schools and colleges can be opened, that prisons can be reformed, that crime can be effectively checked.
Even the proper working of democracy itself is possible only in times of peace. There can be no elections, no government of the people when a country is in the throes of war.
Peace promotes democracy. In short, it is during peace that a general improvement is possible in cleanliness and decency, in refinement and taste, in habits and morals, in manners and speech. In peace, too, lies the opportunity for sports, for horse- racing, skiing, tennis, cricket, football and hockey tournaments and athletic an essay on peace of all kinds. It is often said in favour of the war that it brings out the best in man by creating an opportunity for an essay on peace beings to display their great powers of endurance, their courage their capacity for self-sacrifice and their patriotism.
This is true enough in times of peace, an essay on peace, people tend to become lethargic and indolent. Too much ease bagels idleness and an indifference to work, an essay on peace. But to applaud war because it stimulates men into activity would really be preposterous.
So grim are the horrors of war and so devastating its effects that no defence of it on any ground whatsoever is possible, an essay on peace. Skip to content. A House on Fire Essay December 8, Good Manners Essay February 21, Essay on Importance of Newspaper February 23, Student Unrest Essay February 17, Republic Day Paragraph in English December 8, A Day at the Beach Essay December 13, Essay on Wildlife Conservation March 27, Essay on Mass Media Advantages and Disadvantages February 8, A Visit to a Hill Station Essay December 7, Close Menu.
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Peace Essay Contest 2018
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Feb 16, · Essay on War and Peace. No doubt war is an evil, the greatest catastrophe that befalls human beings. It brings death and destruction, disease and starvation, poverty, and Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Sep 29, · Peace Topics and Discussion Questions for Essays on Peace. The broad and narrow meaning of the notion ‘peace’. Peace as a harmonious period in society. Factors that guarantee peace in society. The most effective ways to attain peaceful atmosphere at a work place. Absence of the violence fear as an indicator of peace. Christian view on peace and war/5(5K) Essay On Peace And Peace Words | 4 Pages. Finding peace through love and overcoming fear The quality of life does not depend on the material progress or the external development we have, but it rather depends on the inner development of the happiness and peace. Once a person has peace in their life then they can somehow control various
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