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Essay on all quiet on the western front

Essay on all quiet on the western front

essay on all quiet on the western front

17/5/ · Get help on 【 All Quiet on the Western Front Essay 】 on Graduateway Huge assortment of FREE essays & assignments The best writers! 11/2/ · February 11, by Essay Writer. All Quiet on the Western Front is a movie based on the book of the same name by Erich Maria Remarque published in There were two versions of the move. The first version was released in , quickly after the book was published, and was directed by Lewis Milestone 19/4/ · This book ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ was a very interesting read, to be honest. It narrates from the point of view of a young German World War 1 soldier named Paul Baumer who fights at the front and the hell that he had to endure with his comrades. At the ripe age of around nineteen the narrator, Paul and a few of his buddies voluntarily

All Quiet on the Western Front: A+ Student Essay | SparkNotes

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. All Quiet on the Western Front displays all of the anguish one would expect in any war novel, but it also exposes the horrors of a new kind of war. Machine guns had never been used before World War I. The narrator provides the reader with a close account of the many atrocities of the war. Even those who would be lucky enough to physically survive would still be victims.

The novel is told from the perspective of a particularly observant young soldier, Paul Bäumer, who exposes details of life on the Western Front. Paul and his fellow classmates are enlisted in the German army of World War I. These young men turn out as passionate soldiers fighting for their country, but their little world of duty, culture, and progress would be blown to pieces after the first bombardment they endure in the trenches.

Through the many years of vivid horror, Paul holds onto a particular vow: to fight against the disgust that senselessly He achieves this by suggesting that W. Remarque depicts the atrocities and inhumanities that war introduces soldiers to as well as the way it both facilitates and destroys camaraderie. Para 1. Remarque uses symbolism to explore how World War One created a lost generation of German youth. Even if they managed to survive the trenches, the things they have seen and done were permanently scared to them.

When Paul visited home while on leave he found a gulf now existed between his family, community and himself. He experienced many transformations after returning to his home village. The village has not changed, yet Paul feels completely out of place there. Old interests in in art and literature had faded and seem childish.

There is nothing left for him here. When his leave ends, Paul is almost relieved to return to the front -line All Quiet on the Western Front Written by Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front is a sort of a historical fiction type of book.

I would classify it as a fiction because the book is based on an odd point of view in war. All Quiet on the Western Front is a novel about a young teenager named Paul Baumer and his friends who enlist in the war.

He and his friends in World War I. Paul and many of his friends from essay on all quiet on the western front volunteered to join the army after listening to their teacher, Kantorek talk about how honorable it is to fight for your country.

When the boys started training, they realized that war was a lot more harsh than they had anticipated. After experiencing about two months of rough training from their cruel trainer, Corporal Himmelstoss, they realized that the talk and rumors about war were completely opposite than the reality of it. They lost their belief that war is glorious or honorable, and they live in constant fear; physical and emotional.

Much like actual soldiers, Paul had a difficult time recapturing what his life used to be when on leave back in his hometown. Paul goes through more trauma than any young man should. His friends were killed in war one by one as Paul wondered why he was still alive. He faced many trials; guilt from killing enemies who he believed were All Quiet on the Western Front At the start of the 20th Century, the world was engaged in a catastrophic battle known as World War 1.

During this time questions arose over the true nature of war. Authors such as Siegfried Sassoon and Erich Maria Remarque step out to introduce a different perspective of war through literacy, an outlook which many people in their time were oblivious to. In this tale, the story is told from a perspective of a young German soldier, essay on all quiet on the western front, Paul Baumer, a private who changes from the time he first enters the military to his unfortunate death.

Erich does an excellent job of revealing the major detriments of war, such as a lost of youth among soldiers as well as desensitization. One lesson learned from this story is that war causes the lost of youth.

After volunteering at a young age, Paul learns to mature to ensure his own safety. Paul never had the chance to live a full life before he was sent off to war.

He was exposed to brutality and horror that he will never forget. Every man no matter what country he is from is interrelated. Whether someone is Christian or Catholic, they both believe in God; whether an American is Democratic or Republic they both agree on a democracy, essay on all quiet on the western front, and whether someone is Chinese or German, both are human beings.

In All Quiet on the Western FrontPaul and his classmates experience exactly this. Paul went into war expecting a memorable experience but realized just the opposite was imminent. He was forced to murder fellow brothers, according to Fenelon. Throughout a war, many men will be titled as a casualty. Just before this bombardment, the company consisted of healthy men. Sometimes, other battles could be even All Quiet on the Western Front Paul Baumer leaves for the western front a young boy, but as All Quiet on the Western Front goes on, Paul becomes more of a soulless soldier.

Multiple events while fighting for Germany caused Paul to become this way. He began pushing away his family, friends, everyone, everything. This was a technique he used to survive. He cut off all emotions to become the best possible soldier he could be. When Paul and his friends signed up to go overseas, and fight for Germany, they had the idea planted in their heads that their actions were actions of patriotism.

They never stopped to think about the opposite side of the spectrum. Training gave the boys a chance to start to realize that enlisting in the war was no joke. The boys didn't fully understand how brutal and violent the war was until they were out, fighting in total war. One of the first events that began to change Paul from a naive boy to an old veteran was when one of his friends from before the war, Kemmerich, was dying in the hospital after his leg had been amputated.

Paul barely shed a tear when he left the hospital after seeing Kemmerich; an event that would break any other person outside of this war down. Baumer leaves the essay on all quiet on the western front after Kemmerich's death with only his well-kept boots.

Not too long after the death of Kemmerich, views, Erich Maria Remarque published the novel All Quiet on the Western Front after WWI through the perspective of Paul Baümer, a German soldier who experiences the true reality of war.

Although war is often glorified and patriotic soldiers are fueled by their strong sense nationalism, in reality true horrors and pains of war become overwhelming, ultimately forcing many to find comfort amongst fellow comrades essay on all quiet on the western front order to survive, essay on all quiet on the western front.

Soldiers who go to war not only risk their lives but also experience unmeasurable brutality. rifle which moves noiselessly before me whichever way I Baümer is continuously bombarded with these feelings both on and off the war frontessay on all quiet on the western front, and is traumatized even when safely hidden away in his shell hole; this reveals that even the slightest possibility of a bomb can create terrifying hallucinations.

These last few thoughts happen right before this soldier, Paul Baumer, dies. All Quiet On the Western Front expresses a story filled with the beauty of comradeship between each of the soldiers by finding solace in one another and the extenuating gestures of raillery throughout the book that help keep them from completely being taken over by the fear of death, or even war itself. Throughout all the horrifying pictures of death and inhumanity, Remarque shows a quality that makes it better: comradeship.

Two scenes that caught to my attention that showed acts of soldiers finding comfort Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays All Quiet On The Western All Quiet On The Western Front: An Analysis Pages: 3 words Published: November 15, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful.

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Review: All Quiet On The Western Front Essay - Words

essay on all quiet on the western front

Essays on All Quiet on the Western Front The book All Quiet on the Western Front shows the casual and pointless brutality of the First World War from the German point of view through the eyes of the main character Paul Baumer, who is already an “experienced” veteran 17/5/ · Get help on 【 All Quiet on the Western Front Essay 】 on Graduateway Huge assortment of FREE essays & assignments The best writers! 20/11/ · All Quiet on the Western Front is a novel about a young teenager named Paul Baumer and his friends who enlist in the war. He and his friends in World War I. Paul and many of his friends from school volunteered to join the army after listening to their teacher, Kantorek talk about how honorable it is to fight for your country

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