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Save our environment essay

Save our environment essay

save our environment essay

Apr 24,  · Essay on Save Environment As human beings, we exist because of environmental support. Had there be no air, no freshwater, no other natural resources, our existence would have been impossible. It is because of innumerable trees around us, we are able to breath fresh blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Jul 28,  · Save Environment Essay. Environment commonly refers to the surroundings in which all living and non-living things reside and establish a sense of attraction with one another. These include air, water, soil, human beings, animals, etc. However being a part of the city, town or village, we observe that the environment around us was originally a natural landscape, for Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Sep 15,  · Therefore, considering the immense life sustaining contributions the environment avails to human beings and the other living thing, the least people can do, as a society is to save our environment. The environment necessitates protection, as it is the primary determinant of survival. The environment facilities survival in various ways

Best Save The Environment Essay For Kids | Earth Reminder

Environment commonly refers to the surroundings in which all living and non-living things reside and establish a sense of attraction with one another. These include air, water, soil, human beings, animals, etc. However being a part of the city, town or village, we observe that the environment around us was originally a natural landscape, for instance, a desert, a forest, or even a river that has been shovelled by humans for buildings, roads and factories, save our environment essay.

But even the people belonging to the metropolitan cities get their food, save our environment essay, fish, fuel wood and fodder supplied from rural areas, which are eventually extracted from the natural landscapes. Hence, our dependence on natural resources has made it essential for us to take considerable measures to prevent the destruction and depletion of our natural environment.

Here are the essays of varied lengths on the aforementioned topic to help you with your exams and assignments. You can select any Save our environment essay Environment essay in accordance with your requirement:. A geographical area or the natural world that includes mineral soil, air and water, animals, etc. which is affected by human activity is termed as environment. With the movement of the Homo sapiens towards urbanisation and industrialization which led to the development in medical, industrial and societal field, the natural landscape got replaced by concrete buildings and roads.

However, our dependency on these natural landscapes for food, water for drinking and agriculture, save our environment essay, fuel wood, etc. still persists. This dependency of ours on nature is to save our environment essay a large extent that we cannot survive without protecting its resources. These natural resources can broadly be categorized into renewable and non-renewable ones.

Renewable resources are the ones that can be regenerated naturally, save our environment essay. These include water, forest, crops etc. On the contrary, the non-renewable resources such as oils and minerals cannot be replenished and in the present scenario are being consumed at a very fast pace. This has led to loss of not only wildlife and trees, but has also disrupted the eco-system.

Thus, it is high time that we should stop misusing these natural resources and instead use them judiciously. The sum total of all the surroundings of a living being including air, water, sunlight, etc.

and also the living organism like animals, plants, humans, etc that provide sustainable conditions for growth and development, constitutes the environment.

Today in the industrial and urban sectors, this environment comprises of well paved roads, multi-story concrete buildings and skyscrapers. Their main motive is to accommodate the increasing population and provide various luxuries to the affluent sections of the society. However, despite this movement the reliability of humans on the resources derived from nature still persists. We use air for breathing, water for drinking and other daily chores. Even the food we eat is derived from plants and animals including vegetables, milk, eggs, etc.

In consideration of these requirements, save our environment essay of these resources has become very important which can be categorised as:. The need of the hour is to prevent the misuse of resources and instead use them judiciously as Mother Earth cannot sustain with this rapid utilization of resources. Moreover, the solid and liquid by-products discarded as garbage by manufacturing units should be equitably managed in order to prevent pollution that leads to various diseases like cancer and gastro-intestinal diseases.

This is possible only if steps are taken on the individual basis, rather than save our environment essay entirely on the government. Since the beginning of time, environment has helped us in establishing a relationship with the flora and fauna, and has ultimately determined our formation and survival. It has given us various gifts, for e. water, sunlight, air, creatures and fossil fuels which have made our planet worth living.

Since these resources are available in abundance, they are being overly used and consumed at a very high pace due to explosion in population and also to meet the luxurious demands of the privileged sections of the society. Thus, it has become important to conserve these natural resources in all the ways.

Here are a few ways in which the excessive use of natural resources can be preserved:. Thus, it is only through sustainable development and proper management that we as individuals can take steps to protect and save environment. All we have is a life tenancy— with a full repairing lease.

Despite various gifts that we have been provided by nature to make our life seemingly easy and this planet worth living, such as air, sunlight, water, animals and minerals, we have for our own selfish gains overtly exploited them.

To meet our present day needs due to increasing population levels, we have been persistently without any check consuming the natural resources. We are not concerned for our future generations. Thus, the need of the hour is to conserve both the renewable and non-renewable resources, provided by nature if we really need to save mother Earth, save our environment essay. During the last few decades, water, air and land have been contaminated for achieving short term gains at the cost of long term ecological losses to the environment.

These undesirable changes have had disastrous effects not only on plants and wildlife, but also on humans which have been discussed as follows:. Every individual must solely contribute towards conserving the environment and not majorly depend on the government itself.

Knowingly or unknowingly we contribute towards pollution on daily basis. Hence, as the consumers of the gifts of nature it is our responsibility to promote rain water harvesting, take part both individually and collectively in the process of recycling products, avoiding wastage of resources such as electricity and fresh water, etc. It is by taking little steps that we can effectively improve the health of our ailing planet. The gifts provided by the natural environment are bliss for mankind as well as for the save our environment essay living organisms.

These natural resources including air, sunlight, fresh water, fossil fuels etc. are so vital that life can never be possible without them.

However, with the increase in the greed for material goods by the large population, these resources are being used and misused beyond their limits. Following are the points describing pollution due to Misuse and Wastage of natural resources and their effects on life of living beings on the earth, thus we must save our environment to save life on earth:. Pondering over the pages of history, it can be observed that our ancestors were more concerned about saving our environment, than we are today.

This can be witnessed in the contributions of Sunderlal Bahuguna, who through Chipko Movement guarded the forest resources. Similarly, Medha Patkar effectively saved the environment of the tribal people, which was negatively impacted due to the construction of dams on the Narmada River.

We as the youth of today can take small steps, save our environment essay, to similarly save our natural environment:.

Though government has formulated various schemes and established laws in favour of saving both nature and wildlife. It is still the duty of each person individually to protect the environment for our future generations, as we are the people consuming its benefits.

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Find all. Please Help us to improve, Contact us. Save Environment Essay. Long and Short Essay on Save Environment in English Here are the essays of varied lengths on the aforementioned topic to help you with your exams and assignments.

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Essay on Save Environment: 8 Selected Essays on Save Environment

save our environment essay

Mar 17,  · How to Save the Environment Essay at the very least. While this may be the case, there are some things that individuals and communities can do themselves, to help control such issues before they get out of hand. The Waste Frame Directive (WFD) which is part of the European Union Directive suggested 3 simple steps to help the environment Jun 15,  · Given below is an Essay on Save Environment composed of about words and a short piece comprising words on Save Environment in English. Long Essay on Save Environment Words in English. Essay on Save Environment is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and The environment is our natural foundation, and we have to take care of it. Our environment plays a massive role in the kind of person we grow up to be. There are a lot of valid reasons for which we need to save our blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Feb 24,  · (A) Save Environment Essay Words We are considerably narrow when it comes to saving environment around us. On one side we relish the magnificence of nature but there is no such force to defend or save it from any disaster. Though the government and Non-governmental organization’s are taking measures, nothing compelling is blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

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